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Comparative analysis in art: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
There are always two sides to the story. The story of The Odyssey written by Homer is known by comparative analysis essay example people. The Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus and his voyage home from Troy. In The Odyssey by Homer and The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood, the authors illustrate the similarities and differences when it comes to the power and corruption in society. Therefore, The Penelopiad divides from The Odyssey since most old fashioned compositions focus on the achievements of males. Later, Margaret Atwood questions traditional male-arranged history by focusing on female characters. This transforms the maids into puzzling results of the anger managed against them while Odysseus is reevaluated into an egotist. In like manner, the focal point of female characters creates insight into sexual orientation and class issues inside The Odyssey.
The author included this to make the reader aware that the women clean up after others but are never able to clean themselves. The maids are also blamed for being dirty and treated like they are garbage. Despite the distinction in tone and language to depict a similar circumstance, the two stories are similar when they talk about what position Penelope was in- as a lady at the time and how she was physically unable to comparative analysis essay example the suitors from the castle. The stories also reveal that she wishes to stay devoted to Odysseus as she thinks he is still alive.
However, both authors have different styles of writing when it comes to word choice and the arrangement of the sentences. She goes in-depth about how men not only empower women but how they manage to harm one another comparative analysis essay example using symbolism and parallelism. The purpose of her writing is to inform and warn the reader about the exploitation of women and the powerless men who are apart of society. The Penelopiad effectively remakes and gives a voice to characters to address inconsistencies disregarded in The Odyssey.
The redundancy of the line credits to the importance of their story being shared with others, comparative analysis essay example. This uncovers postmodern translations of Odysseus that come up from the inconsistencies of actions and behaviors. Penelope makes it clear that the comparative analysis essay example of how Odysseus kills the suitors is for having an affair and hunching down in his home. Henceforth, the redundancy of the lines makes a powerful move as Odysseus was the one with all the power in society in the book The Odyssey, but the incongruity of his actions changes the way people think of him.
Both stories illustrate the power and corruption in society, comparative analysis essay example. Without hearing both sides of the story you can get all the facts in a situation. This allows the reader to gain a different perspective and develop sympathy for them now that you know both of them are coming from. We use cookies to offer you the best experience. Comparative Analysis: the Penelopiad and Homer's Odyssey Download. Category: Literature Subcategory: Poems Topic: The Odyssey Words: 2 pages. Essay due? We'll write it for you! Any subject Min. Hire writer. More Essay Samples on Topic Book Review Literature Review Homer The Odyssey Sonnet Allegory in Literature Book Review Clock is ticking and inspiration doesn't come? No plagiarism guarantee, comparative analysis essay example.
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Compare and Contrast Essay Example: ENG111
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Comparative Analysis of "Ain’t I Woman" by Isabella Baumfree and "Lynching and The Excuse for It" by Ida B. Wells-barnett words | 2 Pages Martin Luther King Jr. once said, Michel de Montaigne Moreover, a comparative analysis essay discusses the similarities and differences of ideas, items, events, views, places, concepts, etc. For example, you can compare two different
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