Environmental Conservation Essay Environmental Conservation Essay. In our current time, our planet is facing severe environmental crisis. The future of Importance Of Environmental Conservation Essay. Individuals, organization, governments and companies should take keen Endangered Species Act Dec 27, · Save environment essay in english for class 6, 7, 8, 9 & Environmental conservation is a blanket term that covers any efforts towards the protection of the natural environment and conservation of its natural resources. It is practiced by combining our lifestyles with a more profound sense of respect and understanding of what nature provides. Now, the Nov 25, · Environmental conservation and preservation has been one of the major issues under discussion in the last few decades. Major conferences like the G8 summit have been discussing methods of coming up with different proposals on how to conserve the environment with the participation of every nation. Man has been the major cause of the environmental
Environmental Conservation Essay Example
We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: EnvironmentEnvironmental IssuesEnvironmental JusticeWindTeenagersLifeWaterconservation of environment essay, Development. Pages: 6, conservation of environment essay. Words: Environmental conservation and preservation has been one of the major issues conservation of environment essay discussion in the last few decades, conservation of environment essay. Major conferences like the G8 summit have been discussing methods of coming up with different proposals on how to conserve the environment with the participation of every nation Man has been the major cause of the environmental problems that are being experienced in the present times.
Global warming and climate change all have their roots on the careless and destructive nature of mankind without due consideration of the consequences of his actions on the future generations. A number of initiatives at both regional and local levels have been undertaken by corporates, nations and at individual levels towards this end. At a personal level, there conservation of environment essay many things that one can do to preserve the environment and create awareness to the society on the importance of the same. Below is a personal plan of action on what I would do at a personal level to preserve and sustain the environment. Trees not only have aesthetic value but also have many other benefits. I intend to champion an initiative for the planting of trees on the river banks and on all public land in my location.
I actually intend to plant about I will thus engage the support of other like minded youth in the implementation of this project. I have lived in my location for many years. In those days, trees surrounded the whole place and issues like dusty air, cutting of the trees, unclean drinking water issues were un heard of. The recent years have however seen the wanton cutting down conservation of environment essay trees, destruction of river banks and other forms of human interferences. The purpose of this project is to preserve the environment and restore sanity amongst the folks by creating awareness on the importance of environmental preservation in every day life. Sensitizing the people on the importance of environmental conservation and preservation; once sensitized the people will develop a dire interest towards the conservation of the environment.
Comprehending the importance of conservation, they will have a positive approach in the mechanisms which will be employed in the conservation of the environment. Wide variety of advantages will be gained from the whole objective of conserving the environment, conservation of environment essay. Water catchment areas will be preserved thus availability of clean drinking water to the society. There will be reduced cases in the diseases associated with unclean water. Appealing scenery will develop from the whole project of conservation of the environment. To expeditiously achieve these goals a lot needs to be done. I intend to mobilize the youth in my area and enlighten them about the agenda.
I will educate them about the benefits they are going to get after conserving the environment. I will initiate a motivational mechanism based on the whole agenda of conservation of the environment and ensure that the whole group will work towards making the agenda a success. Creating awareness to the society on the importance of environmental conservation- I want to inform the people that their careless actions will cost them dearly. Every careless action that they do today will have negative impact on the environment in the future generation. Felling of trees without conservation of environment essay others for replacement will affect the water catchment areas in a conservation of environment essay manner.
Cultivating along the water catchment areas will result to the drying of the water blocks thus unavailability of water for consumption. The end result in the mishandling of the environment will have drastic negative effects on the climate of the area having such a greater negative impact to the future generation. To reverse the situation an initiative to grow seedlings and supplying them to the greatest hit areas through the help of the youths. This will reduce the effect of deforestation in these areas. In ensuring greater protection of these trees from animal and human destruction or interference, I intend to construct a fence around the regions where the trees will be planted to keep off animals and human interference.
Also I have a plan of allocating every youth a certain number of trees which will be under there care and whoever does his job perfectly then he or she will receive a reward as an appreciation. These will definitely boost the morale of the youth to do the job in a right way. The general look of the environment will be appealing and beautiful, conservation of environment essay. This will definitely bring about good scenery. On conserving the environment drying of water springs will be prevented. Water table will also rise and water will be readily available for consumption purposes and also for irrigation purposes.
Trees will be of greater benefit since the normal breeze of trees makes people healthy. Fresh air free from dust since it will be purified by the trees will be available because of the transformed environment. Trees will attract rainfall and change the climatic conditions of the area. These will enable people practice agricultural activities in the area because conditions will be highly favorable. The first year will be to sensitize the community a bout the project. This will be made possible through the organization of seminars, conservation of environment essay, open public rallies and in local schools through the young children. Here, the nursery management and tree planting will be commenced.
The nurseries will be distributed all over the region affected with the drought. This will be the monitoring year; there will be evaluation and objective deviation supervision of the project. At the end of this year, the project will be commissioned with the help of other stakeholders to be a life time project. There will be monitoring the number of people who have stopped farming around the river bank and have initiated tree planting. Stopping the practice of agriculture around the banks will give room for the planting of trees, the more the number of people who stop the conservation of environment essay the bigger the land that will be available for the planting of the trees.
There will be assessment of the number of people that will be planting trees in this area. The higher the number of people that will accept to plant trees the more the land that will be under conservation thus conserving the environment. The measure of how people will be preserving the already planted tress, if a greater number will conserve the trees planted the better the progress of conservation of the environment. This protection will be on how people will prevent the destruction and interference of the trees from human and animals the better the progress.
The Rate of survival of the trees will also measure the progress of the plan. The higher the rate of survival of the trees the higher the progress of the whole plan of environment conservation the greater the success of the project, conservation of environment essay. Funds for the purchase of seedlings and for facilitating the plan will be required. Several sources of income will be required to make the plan a success. Human involvement which is readily available will be needed. Mobilizing the youth and the general society to help facilitate the plan is required. Lack of conservation of environment essay People might not be willing to have the place transformed, conservation of environment essay. Such people will need a lot of sensitization that they may cooperate.
Inadequate resources that will slow the facilitation of the plan, in such a situation I can look for the resources from donors. Poverty that will result to people cutting down trees to get money to meet the basic needs. alternative sources of income will be advocated so as to make the whole plan a success. Ghosh, A, conservation of environment essay. New York: Conservation of environment essay Publishing. Conservation and the consumer: understanding environmental concern. Yales: Routledge. John Schelhas, M. Saving forests, protecting people? London: Rowman Altamira. Economics of environmental conservation: Volume 1 of Developments in environmental economics.
Chicago: Edward Elgar Publishing. Environmental science towards a sustainable future. New York: Prentice publishers. Note: this sample is kindly provided by a student like you, use it only as a guidance. ID Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER Sign in. HIRE WRITER. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Our Guarantees How It Works FAQ Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. Goals to be accomplished This plan intends to achieve the following goals. To attain sustainable environmental conservation at the most cost effective means available.
To realize the benefits of environmental conservation in my area as part of a wider initiative Wide variety of advantages will be gained from the whole objective of conserving the environment. What I shall do to achieve these goals To expeditiously achieve these goals a lot needs to be done. Benefits to the conservation of environment essay Aesthetic value The general look of the environment will be appealing and beautiful. Preservation of Water catchment areas On conserving the environment drying of water springs will be prevented. Rainfall catchment Trees will attract rainfall and change the climatic conditions of the area. Time line for the implementation of these steps This project will be initiated in a period of three years; Year 1 The first year will be to sensitize the community a bout the project, conservation of environment essay.
Year 2 Here, the nursery management and tree planting will be commenced. Year 3 This will be the monitoring year; there will be evaluation and objective deviation supervision of the project.
Essay On Conservation Of Environment -- International Writings -- Save Environment Essay In English
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Mar 19, · Conservation means the saving and protection of our environment. The environment is facing numerous problems due to the caresless way people are using and abusing it. One of the main problems is pollution which means dirtying destruction of the environment. Another major environmental problem is deforestation which is excessive cutting Nov 25, · Environmental conservation and preservation has been one of the major issues under discussion in the last few decades. Major conferences like the G8 summit have been discussing methods of coming up with different proposals on how to conserve the environment with the participation of every nation. Man has been the major cause of the environmental Dec 27, · Save environment essay in english for class 6, 7, 8, 9 & Environmental conservation is a blanket term that covers any efforts towards the protection of the natural environment and conservation of its natural resources. It is practiced by combining our lifestyles with a more profound sense of respect and understanding of what nature provides. Now, the
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