The population problem is one of the burning issues being faced by the country. It surmounts all the problems of the country. The rapid population growth is often referred to as population explosion. The population of India has risen dramatically during the post-independence period. The increase in population is due to the spread of health care facilities thus resulting in the Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins Overpopulation is the condition of being populated with excessively large numbers. Being overpopulated can cause environmental deterioration and it can affect people’s lives. Human overpopulation is one of the biggest environmental issues. As of the population in India was billion Ignorance, illiteracy, unhygienic living conditions, and lack of recreation have always been the cause of population problems in India. Rapid growth in population is also an indication of the wastage of natural resources. Preventive Measures. To tackle this problem, the government needs to take corrective measures
Essay on Population Problem in India
India is the second largest populated country in the world with the total population estimated at present at more than i Population problem in india essay has a large population base. The density of population is very high and the population is projected to increase further in future. ii Increase the growth rate of population has been caused by the persistence of high fertility and declining mortality. iii As a result of the persistence of high birth rate and low death rate the dependency ratio in the economy has been very high. iv In spite of the growing industrialisation of the economy, about It is indicative of the overall low productivity.
vi The quality of human capital in the country is very poor. About two-thirds of the total population is illiterate and the productivity of the Indian labour is very low as compared with productivity of the labour in the developed countries. Demographers of the world have suggested different measures to arrest the growth of population. Among these measures, economic development is regarded as an effective method of population control. Many European countries have contained the growth of their population through economic development. In India, however, things are different. European model of economic development to control population cannot be employed in India.
It cannot be an effective and practicable method of population control. While in the western countries the population increased at a slow pace without disturbing the equilibrium between the natural resources and population; in India, it has registered a high rate of growth and. thus, retarded the process of economic growth. Similarly, population problem in india essay, the western countries took undue long time to bring the death rate to a low level; in India, there has been sharp decline in the death rate.
High birth rate and rapid fall in the death rate has led to sudden population explosion and, thus retarded economic development. In their race against time to eliminate poverty, rapid population growth is an additional burden, which regardless of their inherent strengths, slows them down. The protagonists of the growth economics believe that population is an important determinant of economic growth. Large population, if gets suitable job opportunities, can raise the level of domestic output. Population also creates demand for goods and services, which in turn determines the size of market level of investment, output and employment. Nurkse is of the opinion that even if with country suffers from the problem of disguised unemployment, it should not be a cause of anxiety because the disguised labour force has concealed saving potential.
By shifting the disguised labour force to some construction activity, the concealed potential saving could be converted into real saving. Thus, population stimulates the level of capital formation which is a pre-condition to economic growth. Instead of promoting economic development, population has retarded it as would be clear from the following discussion:. While the national income during the last 45 years has increased at an average annual rate of 4. A large part of the public expenditure has to be allocated for providing basic amenities of life and, therefore, very limited resources remain available for development projects.
There has been a sharp decline in the land man ratio. The per capital availability of the cultivable land which was 0. The size of agricultural holdings has also decreased and it has adversely affected the farm productivity. As against the minimum intake of food grains of grams per individual per day, the availability of per capita food grains in India in was about grams per day. In India, about 1 million children fall victim of malnutrition. High rate of population growth disturbs the ecological balance, and thus adversely affects environment. According to an estimate, by the end of this century the country will need about lakh new houses and repairs to about lakh houses. The density of population is expected to rise from per sq. km in to per sq. km by 2, A.
The aggregate labour force in India is expected to rise from million in to 1, million in AD. It would be very difficult for the country to create employment opportunities for such a large force. The number of unemployed persons has gone up from 40 lakhs in to about lakhs in January, If each family has to use 40 watt electric bulbs, we shall have to put up new MW power stations every three population problem in india essay. A rapid increase in population during the post-Independence period accounted for by the higher growth rates of population. In India, the birth rate has remained persistently high.
In India, climatic, economic, social and religious factors combine together to keep the birth rate very high. India has a hot climate. Girls get matured at an early age in such a climate. Their re-productivity period starts normally from 14 years, resulting in a larger re-productivity span. The incidence of pregnancy and the number of children born in a poor household is generally larger for the following reasons:. a Every addition to the family in a poor household is treated as an asset, population problem in india essay. Children at a very young age start helping their parents to raise the family income. b Because population problem in india essay deficient diet, lack of medical facilities, unhygienic living conditions, etc.
In order to ensure that some children do survive, poor people tend to have large number of children. c Children also act like insurance for their parents, population problem in india essay. These children, when grow up, provide security to their parents in old age. d Poor people are generally illiterate. They do not understand the real implications of a large family, and therefore, resist the acceptance of family planning. e Poor people cannot afford the costly contraceptives and oral medicines for controlling the size of their families. Among the various social factors affecting the growth of population the more important are as follows:. b Child marriage in rural India is a rule rather than an exception.
Marriage at an early age lengthens the reproductive age of women. d The number of children born per couple tends to increase when the couple is desirous of male progeny which is considered a must according to customs. e The joint family system also provides a spurt to population growth. In such a system, children are not the responsibility of the couple alone but of the whole family. India is a country of many faiths and cultures. Some religions do not prefer and preach family planning. For example, according to Christianity, termination of pregnancy is a sin. Even Mahatma Gandhi, who influenced the political scene of India for about four decades, did not agree to the idea of family planning.
He considered it as an immoral act. i Control over many dreadful and chronic diseases such as plague, cholera, small-pox, etc. These diseases used population problem in india essay take a heavy toll of human life. vi The provision of better maternity and post-natal care has helped to bring down the infant mortality rate. Growing population will create problems not only for the individual households but for the whole country. If population is allowed to grow at its present rate, it will retard economic development of our country. It is, therefore, essential population problem in india essay check the growth of population. By raising industrial and agricultural productivity higher incomes can be ensured for the labour class.
It is through this increase in income that the poor families will almost certainly experience a beneficial decline in their traditionally high fertility. Urbanisation is usually associated with low fertility. Urbanisation changes population problem in india essay value of life and the outlook of the people. People living in crowded towns can easily realise the norms and necessity of a small size family. Malnourished mothers give birth to weak and unhealthy infants. Such infants often die. This leads to frequent pregnancies. Women hardly have any say in determining the size of families, population problem in india essay. Women are generally dependent on men and it is the will of the man that ultimately prevails.
High status of women in the society will create a sense of confidence and security in them which will have a desired effect on the fertility rate. Enlightenment of women is essential to lower the fertility rate. Basic education makes possible for both men and women and acquisition of information of family planning. It increases their exposure to mass media and printed material, and enables them to learn about modern contraceptives and their use. By improving the nutritional content of diet, hygienic conditions and health services, the rate of infant mortality could be reduced considerably.
Through mass media, the people can be informed, educated and persuaded to accept family planning which would ultimately reduce the birth rate. The government should provide simple, non-injurious and effective population problem in india essay at cheaper rates. It should set up family welfare centres for the needy couples. Research facilities relating to the discovery of new and effective contraceptives must be expanded. Incentives in the form of cash payments, promotions, housing and other facilities could be offered to the acceptors of family planning programmes, similarly, penalties can be imposed on the parents having many children, population problem in india essay.
To sum up, population control is essential for accelerating the pace of economic development. According to Richard T. It is a population problem in india essay enterprise and like all human enterprises, population problem in india essay, its outcome will depend finally on the skill, quality and attitude of the man who undertakes it.
“World Population Day\
, time: 8:32Essay on Population Problem in India, Causes, Control

Population increase also calls for industrialization, which invites pollution in all areas. A country like India is now witnessing a massive problem of pollution and global warming. Irregular distribution of food to all populations is another significant impact. Many families in rural areas do not get proper food to eat Introduction to the Population Problem in India: India is the second largest populated country in the world with the total population estimated at present at more than crores. Whereas, China with about 20 per cent of the world’s population has about 7 per cent of the land areas, India has got only per cent of the total land areas to feed about 16 per cent of the total Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins The population problem is one of the burning issues being faced by the country. It surmounts all the problems of the country. The rapid population growth is often referred to as population explosion. The population of India has risen dramatically during the post-independence period. The increase in population is due to the spread of health care facilities thus resulting in the Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
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